Saturday, September 20, 2008

My Thoroughbred

I can relate to all of this factual information because of my 8 year old Thoroughbred mare; Rhapsody. She is one of the calmest thoroughbreds that I know of, but don’t be fooled this dose not mean she was a “calm” horse. There have been many times where one second we will be quietly trotting along and the next I’m riding a bucking bronco. She is calm for being a thoroughbred they are very alert animals. However this is one of the many reasons why I love them so much, it’s never boring. Horses that puts around and don’t really react to much don’t interest me, way to boring. However; they can be good for beginners and I suppose that’s what a lot of people like. Rhapsody specialized in eventing or at least that was until she pulled a suspensory. Her bad conformation was one of the main reasons for this accident and is why she can never jump again. She has long pasterns witch cause a lot of stress on her legs. She is still physically capable of jumping, but it will break her down quite rapidly. This however was not the worst thing that could happen. She is still rideable and now a beautiful dressage horse. Rhapsody will never be a million dollar horse, but I have worked with horses worth a lot of money. Those horses are taken better care of then most people around, including very high insurance coverage. There are good things and bad things about every breed. I love thoroughbreds and can’t imagine myself ever owning a different breed.

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