Sunday, September 14, 2008

People say that dogs are man’s best friends, but are they? Would we even be here if it weren’t for horses? Most people reading this are probably thinking “well dugh of course we would be.”
Horses were the first mode of transportation and without them many people may not have survived due to not being able to travel to find food an. Not only have used horses to help us travel to find food, but they have helped us produce food.
So would we have survived with out these magnificent creatures? The way I see it when this great country was being formed wherever there was a hoof print there was a foot print right beside it.
Today it is out job to give back to the horses. We not longer need them to survive so we use them for pleasure. Each horse and specific breed has something they are great at. For example Thoroughbreds are known for there fast athletic abilities so we typically see them in racing or evening. I personally am in love with Thoroughbreds and have owned. This will be the first breed I discuss and I will then go into more detail about what they are good at.

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